Ways to support local businesses in the Coolamon Shire

It’s a tough time for small businesses! Our businesses need us now and in the future, here are some ways you can support. They need our extra kindness and support…

Shop local

If you can buy local, please do it! Now more than ever our businesses need us. Every dollar spent locally goes to local families and our community. Many businesses are also offering online shopping options to take advantage of.

Get it delivered

Yes please! Many businesses are offering deliveries as part of the new restrictions. Support businesses with this great service.

Buy a gift voucher

Why not plan for upcoming present buying, dinners, coffee dates for someone you love or yourself, grab gift vouchers to use at a future time. Giftware, boutiques, antiques, restaurants, pubs and cafes will love your forward thinking.

Keep shopping as usual

Try to keep shopping as usual, there is no need to panic buy, but shopping for your usual products will help our businesses

Tell your friends and family

Word of mouth – Lets spread the love for our businesses. If you’ve had a good experience, know something they are doing different to help the community during this tough time, why not share it. Everyone is craving good news, why not let it be about our community. Share, comment, like, post a picture, leave a review.


With a large number of events cancelled or postponed, when events start to reschedule (….and they will) – Book them in your calendar and tell your friends.  

Please remember to follow NSW Health recommendations always – Wash your hands, cough/sneeze into your elbow, 1.5m social distancing and if you are unwell please stay home.

It is a time for us to support each other and look out for our family, friends and colleagues.

Laura Munro