Coolamon Shire Council has allocated funding towards its annual event funding program. This funding program provides financial assistance for community or tourism related events held within the Shire. Funds are to assist Coolamon Shire to increase levels of day and overnight visitation. 

Applicants can apply for funds from a pool of $10,000 (maximum of $3,000 per application), which will be assessed and allocated as per the program guidelines. The event must be held between 1 January to 31 December 2025. 

Funding must be used for:

a.      Promotion and marketing – Items and activities to assist with the promotion and marketing of the event; or

b.      Item or activity that will increase attendees to the event

(Priority will be given to events that will be utilising funding for promotion and marketing)

The 2025 application process is open. Funds will be available until money has been exhausted. 

To apply please read and complete the below:

Word file : 2025 Event Funding Guidelines | 2025 Application Form

Funding guidelines and application forms are also available at the below two sites:

  • Hardcopy from the Coolamon Shire Council

  • Hardcopy from the Coolamon Library

Completed application forms and supporting material can be submitted by:

Coolamon Shire Council
Event Funding Program
PO Box 101

Council@coolamon.nsw.gov.au or lmunro@coolamon.nsw.gov.au

(Marked “Coolamon shire Event Funding Program”)
Coolamon Shire Council
55 Cowabbie Street, Coolamon

Should you require any further information in regard to the Funding, please contact Laura Munro, Tourism and Business Development Officer on 6927 2492 or email lmunro@coolamon.nsw.gov.au