Coolamon Rotary News Bulletin #16

Read the full News Bulletin here. 

Rotary Meeting October 22nd. 2012

'How to do Business in the Online Marketplace' workshop hosted by Web 123. Natasha Vanzetti was the presenter ably assisted by Nicola Bell from Tilma Management.  We attracted some 41 participants and the consensus was that it was well run with some excellent information provided by Natasaha.  Coolamon Rotary and The Coolamon Shire Council sponsored the workshop.

Some notable statements made included:

  • 97% of potential customers research you before they call or contact you via email.
  • Email is a basic requirement in conducting business today.
  • In retail it is essential to deliver exceptional customer service.
  • Build a long term business relationship so keep your web site dynamic and up to date.
  • Facebook is word of mouth on steroids.

In setting up your web site Natasaha said that:

  • Profile your ideal client and build the web site to suit their needs.
  • Ask yourself what is your web site doing?
  • What information are your clients looking for?
  • Put your contact details in the top right hand corner of your web site.
  • You need to look at what your key words are for search engines.


Another landmark event was held on Monday at the Coolamon Sport and Rec Club.  The Rotary Club of Coolamon and the Coolamon Shire Council jointly sponsored a digital marketing workshop designed to promote electronic media to small businesses in the shire.  Natasha Vanzetti, a partner with web design firm Web123 out of Wagga, presented an hour-long presentation on the imperative for small businesses to establish a presence on the web and the importance of social media for building up and keeping a customer base.  Loads of practical advice along with an extensive question and answer period after dinner, mixed in with plenty of time for fellowship, made for a full and information-packed evening.

It was hard to clear out the last of the participants what with all the lengthy after-dinner conversation, and even Dick Jennings, one of the last remaining Luddites in the club, had a hard time tearing himself away.  Who knows, you might even get an e-mail message from Dick one of these days!  It’s clear that the topic was of great interest to a good cross-section of small businesses across the shire (from Marrar to Ganmain, and Ardlethan to Coolamon), judging from the lively conversation during the dinner break and afterwards.  Thanks go to Coolamon Shire Council for co-sponsoring this event with us and to Linda Tillman for lining up the speaker.  The event will enhance our efforts to boost small businesses in the shire via our “Shop Locally/Be a Shire Buyer” campaign.

Several of us (Ian Durham, John Glassford, Dick Jennings, Ian Jennings, Leslie Weston and I) ran the chocolate wheel at the hospital fête on Saturday morning, and helped raise over $500 for the hospital (courtesy of donated gifts for the wheel), despite the low turnout at the event.

Don’t forget the social evening planned for this coming Monday.  Because it’s the fifth Monday of the month, we’ll be dispensing with our regular meeting and instead will have a purely social gathering and meal at the home of Ian and Marilyn Jennings.  Please let Ian or Marilyn know if you’re planning to attend.  You’ll find details elsewhere in this bulletin.

That’s all for now.

Onward and upward!

Yours in Rotary,



*Monday 29th October Social Night at Marilyn and Ian Jennings home. Start 6.30 for 7.00 pm and  BYO please. Please call Ian or Marilyn on 0428 492 157 or home on 6927 3390.

*Monday 5th November Guest Speaker Georgie Roberts from the Red Cross.

Thursday 8th November:    BINGO on duty:   John Burns,  Henk Hulsman,  Leslie Weston & Paul Weston

Monday 12th November AGM and Election of Office Bearers for 2013-2014.

Monday 19th November Ian Durham Speaker on his journey of life.

Sunday November 25th Rotary Markets in Coolamon.

Peace Ceremony in Coolamon February 2013

Friday 19th to Sunday 21st April 2013 D9700 Conference Leeton

June 23-26 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon. RI Convention Lisbon

*Partners and Guests Night.

Cristy Houghton